Friday, April 17, 2020

National Library Week: Got Photos?

Hello Library Friends!

How are you using the South Burlington Library while our physical location is closed? Perhaps some of you are
  • Reading e-books downloaded from the Green Mountain Library Consortium
  • Taking a course through Universal Class or Learning Express
  • Fixing your car using the Chilton online library
  • Streaming movies on Kanopy
  • Scrolling through our Facebook feed
  • Cooking something delicious for our (now online) Cookbook Club
  • Enjoying Kelly’s fabulous YouTube story times
  • Filling out our “viral reading challenge” bingo board for the chance to win a face mask
  • Checking out the library’s website, or our new blog 
  • Reading a book or article in preparation for an online library discussion group
  • Sharing poetry in honor of National Poetry Month

In honor of National Library Week, which runs from April 19-26, we are asking you to give us a photo of yourself and your family, reading or doing something at home related to the library.

Please send your photo to We may use your pictures on our website or other social media platforms and may include your first name.

For more information on what the library has to offer you, please visit our website.

Thanks! -SB

1 comment:

  1. I've been having a lot of fun with the viral reading challenge. Next on my list is to read the instruction manual for my wireless headphones so that I don't have to hear every TV show that is playing in the living room while I am reading! I haven't been very interested in the online resources because I've been spending so much time on the computer for work. I've made an effort to actually buy books from my local independent book store, something I rarely do because I have access to so much through the library. So, I've been buying items that the library doesn't have so that I can offer them for the collection or for the Friends of the Library book sale in the fall.
